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Seeker white
Player ID: 242176
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 17
Luck : 12
Energetic immunity : 43
Trade sense : 14
Briskness : 18
Initiative : 6
Defence : 32
Attack : 58
Power : 17
Waterhandling : 1
Volition : 3
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 42
Darkness Principle = 38
Time Principle = 36
Principle of Light = 8
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Battle stats
Won: 396 | Lost: 527
Honor: 4967
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Hmmm Wish's aha o.o....

  • - To complete the fricken broken puzzle thing D: ahem >.>....
  •  - To visit Loreroot   <3 Thank you Eagle Eye for the pass papers ^.^
  • - O.O To maybe someday build a hot air balloon :3 and be able to fly and stuff and yeah..... 
    - To make a cup of tea, gotta love the tea :) 
    (Welcome to my Page may you wonder through it at your own leisure a warning before we start ….)

 WARNING: I am weird and inquisitive and over use "o.o" for no real reason. You have been warned~


Name: Seeker White

Age: 20

Gender: ?

Relationship status: Taken

Occupation: Traveler?//NA o.o

Likes: Roses, exploring, meeting new people,night time,sleep, questions

Dislikes: Arrogance, being woken up, sharp teeth, silence

Ethnicity / complexion: British / Light skinned

Height: 5'4

Weight: 44.91 kg / 99 Lbs

Hair color / Style: Dirty blonde: has long unruly hair that is kept out of her eyes by brass goggles. A few locks hanging across her eye.

Eye color: Dark purple, appearing black in low lighting

Clothing: Seeker usually wears tunic like clothes, in a light cream coloration. Held in place by a corset belt wrapped around her waist of a similar but darker color. A small pocket watch is attached to the left of her belt.  She also wears shin-high leather boots that give her a few extra inches in height. 




(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

As for the rest of this page … I’m sure it shall be under construction for some time…. o.o'' Thank you for reading so far, and i hope you have a wonderful day ^.^


Some of my creatures
Seri Krill Hollow Warrior magni Ego Gift
I am running a MD Birthday Quest. This will be updated shortly.

Things I hate... Um >.> Its more dislike... and even then it depends on the situation o.o 
Arrogance without merit 
wolves- there teeth to be precise o.o 
Pain o..o... of a certain kind.... at a certain time >.> it annoys me.... 
Over thinking, so much so that the first though is lost o....o 
Forgetting very awesome dreams....


Page 94 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.
It seems the water he jumped in is much more than a water, or at least for him it is. It is said that shades can not get into water because it will drain their powers and return them to earth. Simplyzero, or what was left of this poor peasant that ventured on such an insane jurney, looks at the empty waters around him, slowly floating without purpose on what seems to be a small wooden ferry. At one end of the ferry he notices a man, he aprouches him and asks "Where am i, what is this place,...who are you.."? ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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